New Hampshire Backpacking Itinerary: South Kinsman, North Kinsman and Cannon Mountain

Lonesome Lake from Cannon
Lonesome Lake from Cannon

Many people have a goal to do all of the NH 4000 footers at some point in their lives. I never really shared that desire until this year. Unfortunately, you need to document the dates you hiked to each summit so many of the peaks I have hiked in the past will need to be completed again so I can set a date for each peak. This trip will allow me to bag three more peaks: South Kinsman, North Kinsman and Cannon Mountain.

The hike, at only 11-12 miles could be done as a day trip but I chose to do this as an overnight backpacking weekend, staying at Kinsman Pond. With a total elevation gain of 4500 feet, it still can be a bit of a challenge for some so don’t let the short length fool you into thinking this is a beginner hike. If you do this as an overnight, the mileage is roughly 6 miles for each day.

The Trails:

You will be parking at the trailhead near Lafayette Campground to start your journey. Continue reading “New Hampshire Backpacking Itinerary: South Kinsman, North Kinsman and Cannon Mountain”

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