A Moose on Moosilauke – Mount Moosilauke and South Peak, White Mountains, New Hampshire Day Hikes

Last weekend I added another peak to my NH48 list by submitting Mount Moosilauke on a quick day hike. I haven’t been hiking much this spring due to my desire to get my house fixed up and put on the market sooner than later. I had heard that Moosilauke is one of the easier 4000 footers so I figured it would be a good warm up for the summer. They were right.

June 1, 2019: The Mount Moosilauke and South Peak Loop day hike.

Mount Moosilauke Summit
Mount Moosilauke Summit

Some days you just need to hike and this was one of those days. I woke up early on a Saturday morning and drove to the White Mountains in NH for a simple day trip. While many would say 4 hours each way for a 7.2 mile hike is a little drastic, most hikers would agree it is a worthwhile trade off. I pulled in to the access road for the Moosilauke Lodge, parked, laced up my boots and hit the trail sometime around 11:00am.

The trail enters the woods just below the Moosilauke Lodge and, while I am thinking about it, that lodge looks like an awesome place to stay. It is owned and operated by Dartmouth College and staying there is very affordable.

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The 4000 Footer That Wasn’t – Mount Tecumseh, White Mountains, New Hampshire Day Hikes

As you may have heard, the NH48 is now the NH47. In February, Mount Tecumseh was demoted from being a 4000 footer. New surveys place it’s elevation at 3,995 feet instead of the 4,003 feet it was previously thought to be. But wait! I didn’t hike it in February. I hiked it in December so I hit the summit before it officially shrank so I am adding this to my NH 4000 footers list and you can’t stop me.

December 8th, 2018: A daytrip up Mount Tecumseh.

Mount Tecumseh Summit

The day started in the parking lot of Waterville Valley Ski Area in the mid-morning. I decided to bag a quick peak since I was out at a party the night before and was really feeling it when I woke. The Mt Tecumseh Trail is the quickest way to the top of a 4000 footer 3,995 footer so it worked perfectly for my needs. The trail starts on the right-hand side of the parking lot when you are walking up towards the ski area and from there just winds it’s way up the “lookers right” of the ski area.

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Three Days and Two Nights in Cape Chignecto, Nova Scotia

Cape Chignecto, Nova Scotia

If I was smart, I would have done this post when everything was fresh in my mind. Instead, I was lazy and here we are over a month later and I am just sitting down to start writing up a trip report. On Memorial Day weekend, May 25-27, 2018, I decided to backpack the loop around Cape Chignecto, Nova Scotia. This is a brief summary of the trip:

Day 1:

I woke up in the backseat of my car to the sound of rain tapping on the windows. Looking out, I was about to see my first views of the Bay of Fundy which would become the backdrop of my next few days. When checking the weather the night before, it appeared like there would be some clearing during the day and then the rain would come back at night so I wasn’t in any rush to get wet right away. If I planned this right, I should be able to get to camp in the window of no rain.

I made my way across the parking lot to check in at the ranger station. The staff was helpful and they gave me a photocopy of a map as well as the tide information. Just so you know, you will need to check in with them before you head out on your trip. If you are planning a trip to Cape Chignecto, I also wrote a post to help with that as well.

The first decision you have to make is whether to take the trail or the beach route. If the tide is on your side, the walk up the beach will save you about .7 miles and the climb over a hill. I didn’t go over the hill on the way out or the way back so I can’t tell you if there are any views up there. After heading up the beach you will see a yellow sign and some spray paint on the rocks where you will turn right and head up a flight of stairs. At this point, you are officially on the trail.

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