New Jersey Backpacking Itinerary: Pine Barrens Loop – Batsto to Lower Forge

Batona Trail through the Pine Barrens in Wharton State Forest
Batona Trail through the Pine Barrens in Wharton State Forest

I took a trip to New Jersey to check out the Pine Barrens in Wharton State park. This was a quick overnight trip that should be suitable for novice backpackers but is also a fun night out in the woods for anyone who just wants to get away.

The Dirt:

  • Length: 15 miles (approximately 7.5 miles per day)
  • Elevation gain: 213 feet (Flat as a pancake)
  • Type: Loop
  • Permits: Needed – I paid $10 total.

The Trails: Continue reading “New Jersey Backpacking Itinerary: Pine Barrens Loop – Batsto to Lower Forge”

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