The summer is over and I didn’t really post

Well, the whole point of this blog was to lay out a bunch of itineraries and follow up with the description of the hike after I completed it. All good plans require execution and I failed to do that. The good news is that I hiked a lot this summer. The bad news is that I didn’t write accounts of my trips and didn’t take notes to refer back to.

Today is a new day.

Over the next few weeks I will try to post some of the itineraries I hiked this summer and will include a few pictures from the hikes. I will write brief notes at the end of each since a true trail report wouldn’t be accurate at this point. I will also try to get my butt in gear and do it right for my next few trips.

Thanks for being patient with me while I figure this out.

It has to start somewhere

This is the first post on my new site, For the most part, this site will be centered around my adventures in hiking and backpacking as well as some reviews of products I try and use. Occasionally, there will be some random musings and nutritional things but I will probably post more of the nutritional stuff on my sister site,

Let me get this out of the way now: I am not a writer. In fact, I am an IT guy which probably took any writing skills I had and threw them out the window. Living in a world of acronyms can do that to a guy. Hopefully as time passes, I will get better and you will enjoy the content here. I plan to keep the content light-hearted with some humor sprinkled in here and there. That said, I want my trail reviews to be accurate so people can plan their own itineraries inspired by the data found here.

Standard disclaimer: if you decide to use any itinerary on this site for your own adventure, you do so at your own risk. Conditions change, trails can be rerouted, and everyone’s abilities are different. It is your responsibility and your responsibility alone to confirm anything you read here and plan accordingly.

Here we go!


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