A Moose on Moosilauke – Mount Moosilauke and South Peak, White Mountains, New Hampshire Day Hikes

Last weekend I added another peak to my NH48 list by submitting Mount Moosilauke on a quick day hike. I haven’t been hiking much this spring due to my desire to get my house fixed up and put on the market sooner than later. I had heard that Moosilauke is one of the easier 4000 footers so I figured it would be a good warm up for the summer. They were right.

June 1, 2019: The Mount Moosilauke and South Peak Loop day hike.

Mount Moosilauke Summit
Mount Moosilauke Summit

Some days you just need to hike and this was one of those days. I woke up early on a Saturday morning and drove to the White Mountains in NH for a simple day trip. While many would say 4 hours each way for a 7.2 mile hike is a little drastic, most hikers would agree it is a worthwhile trade off. I pulled in to the access road for the Moosilauke Lodge, parked, laced up my boots and hit the trail sometime around 11:00am.

The trail enters the woods just below the Moosilauke Lodge and, while I am thinking about it, that lodge looks like an awesome place to stay. It is owned and operated by Dartmouth College and staying there is very affordable.

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